Wellness Arabia approaches the concept of Wellness both at the personal and professional levels. One cannot be separated from the other and what affects one undoubtedly impacts the other. As such, Wellness Arabia brings a variety of coaching and training topics relevant to the current workplace needs in our ever-increasing demanding lifestyle.

Business Wellness Coaching
Wellness in the workplace is foundational, physically and emotionally, for business growth, stability,
strength and sustainability. It positively impacts a business culture, its resources and productivity
and, ultimately, its bottom line.
Wellness Arabia provides nurturing workshops on the fostering of a wellness lifestyle, from diet to
sleep, movement, stress reduction, mindfulness and focus, positive outlook, psychological safety,
team work and productivity.
Wellness Arabia provides Wellness coaching to management teams and individual departments. Awareness sessions are followed by practical demonstrations and sustainable implementation.

Emotional Intelligence at Work
Emotional Intelligence (EI) levels constitute the best predictors of performance and productivity in the workplace. With EI, interpersonal and relationship skills are improved. Emotional intelligent employees have high emotional self-awareness and self-management. They also develop higher motivation, empathy and enhanced social skills.

Stress Management for Organizations
Stress at work has become chronic and is growing steadily. Job pressure is increasingly affecting individuals,
resulting in negative repercussions on all aspects of their life, such as physical health, mental well-being,
family, relationships etc.
Wellness Arabia provides coaching sessions for individual employees and teams, which include stress tests and
responses to stressors, nature and sources of stress, interpretation of symptoms, mindfulness and other
actionable practices for stress reduction.

Psychological Safety in the Work Place
Research shows the substantial value of building inclusive, psychologically safe workplaces, and
the impact it has on creating productive and innovative organizations. Managers and leaders can
help to create the conditions for employees to feel like they belong; to foster a more innovative
workplace; to create the conditions employees need to thrive.
Wellness Arabia provides a coaching program for organizations’ leadership and management teams,
following a random interview induction process with employees. The program includes the concepts
and importance of inclusion and belonging, as well as diversity and equity.

Learn to achieve sustainable happiness!
Join one of the Wellness Arabia programs. Experience a positive mind, reduced stress, anxiety and overwhelm, increased energy levels and renewed happiness everyday!